Virus scan software can negatively impact the performance of TM1 and can cause corruption if it is checks TM1 files while TM1 is running. For that reason, virus scan software should be set to skip checking the following:
- The TM1 data directory
- The TM1 logging directory (if not in the data directory)
- The directory where the tm1s.cfg file is located (if not in the data directory)
- The directory where any Excel sheets (or other docs) are located and uploaded to the TM1 server as a reference
- The directory where any flat files may be written to (output from a TI process, for example) or pulled from (import into a TI process, for example)
- Any other databases being used by a TM1 process (Oracle, SQL Server, MSAS, etc.)
- The TM1Web/TM1WebEx files - by default located at: C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\